The much-loved curves can cause nightmares for many women. How Does?

Let’s take breast tissue. An outwardly curved, shaped breast form protruding from the body is undoubtedly one of the most favorite parts of many women in their own body. At least in the youth period… What about as you get older? Can you still keep the folded breast tissue, which is one of the most loved areas, in the same way? Looking at the cases I have encountered in my professional life spanning more than 20 years, I can say that due to aging, weight changes and life habits, when the breast form, which was erect and shaped when young, deforms over time, the once source of happiness becomes the main source of unhappiness for many women, which lowers their self-confidence. Thanks to today’s developing competent surgical technologies, you can leave behind these deformations that make you unhappy with breast lift surgery.

What is breast lift surgery?

Mastopexy, also called a breast lift surgery or mastopexy operation as it is called in the literature; It is a comfortable and reliable operation that aims to restore the sagging breast form that has lost its shape due to various reasons. Due to the fact that the breast tissue in women is curved outward, many women in the world, especially from a certain age, resort to breast lift surgery and get a new, more shaped breast form. In breast lift surgery, not only the sagging breast tissue is replaced, but also the aerolae called the nipple can be moved if needed, and deformed excess skin that has lost its elasticity can be removed.

Why is breast lift surgery needed?

Sudden and extreme weight changes are one of the factors that cause sagging breast form. Many women need breast lift surgery, especially after weight gains during pregnancy and major weight changes such as bariatric surgery. However, deformations may occur in the breast tissue due to genetic factors, life habits or incorrect bra use, and breast lift surgery may be needed at the end of the day.



What is the right time for breast lift surgery?

In today’s conditions, all surgeries can be performed seasonally, regardless of summer or winter, and patients can be offered a comfortable recovery period. However, in addition to environmental factors, when it comes to the timing of the surgery, the changing conditions from patient to patient should also be considered. For example, people who experience sagging breast tissue due to pregnancy should wait for the end of the breastfeeding period for surgery. Likewise, patients who want to have a breast lift operation after bariatric surgery should consider breast lift surgery 1-1.5 years after bariatric surgery, as their weight loss process continues.

Which methods are used in breast lift surgery?

In breast lift surgery, more than one technique is used, different from the degree of sagging encountered. Depending on the scope of the surgery, which of the techniques to be used is decided during the consultation examination.

There are three different degrees of sagging in which breast lift surgery is evaluated. These;

  • First degree sagging

In first degree sagging, if the sagging of the breast tissue is close to or at the level of the under-breast line, it is called this. In first degree sagging with mild sagging, only a small tissue and skin is removed from around the nipple called areola. Thus, a comfortably upright breast form is obtained.

  • Second degree sagging

In this sagging severity, the nipple sagging is approximately 1 to 2.5 cm below the inframammary line. In this case, which we call moderate sagging, more tissue and skin are removed than first degree sagging. Therefore, a complete aesthetic breast lift surgery is performed in moderate sagging. A vertical incision is made both around the nipple and under the breast. This incision is in the shape of a lollipop.

  • Third degree sagging

In third degree sagging, the nipple is located approximately 3 cm below the inframammary line. In this case, which we call advanced sagging, breast lift surgery is performed with an inverted T-shaped incision. In third degree sagging, where excess tissue and skin are removed, the enlarged area of ​​the nipple is also intervened.

How should the preparation process be for breast lift surgery?

Although the surgery is done comfortably today, it has risks like any surgery. In order to minimize these risks, a serious preparation process is definitely needed. When it comes to breast lift surgery, the first condition is that our patients share their medical history with us in detail. Thus, it is important that we have full medical history information, both in order to manage the details of anesthesia during the operation and the post-operative process correctly. Another important point is the use of blood thinners. Approximately 10 days before the operation, the use of all pills and injections of blood thinners should be interrupted with the knowledge of the branch doctor who gave these drugs. Finally, of course, smoking. Because nicotine slows cell regeneration, excessive smoking can delay your healing process. For this reason, stopping smoking approximately 7 to 10 days before the surgery will speed up your recovery process.

Breast lift plastic surgery

Breast lift surgery is an operation performed under general anesthesia in a full-fledged hospital and takes an average of 2-3 hours. The purpose of breast lift surgery, where we host our patients in the hospital for 1 day after the operation; It is to obtain a conical, upright and shaped breast form by pulling the sagging breast tissue back to its original place. Breast lift surgery is an operation that can be performed with more than one technique. In the surgery, while the patient is under general anesthesia, an incision is made depending on the severity of sagging of the breast tissue, as decided in the consultation examination. The breast tissue is pulled back to its original place in the breast, then the excess skin that results from the sagging is removed, the inner structure of the breast tissue is shaped and the nipple is moved to where it should be, and the surgery is completed. Although the sutures vary according to the incision made; It is made from the nipple, in the form of an inverted T and a lollipop. After the sutures, the surgery is completed with a special dressing.

Will there be any scars after breast lift surgery?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to hide the scars in the incisions made in the breast lift surgery, depending on the severity of the sagging. It is not possible to hide suture marks, especially in inverted T and lollipop-shaped incisions. However, thanks to the correct aesthetic stitches, the scars can be adjusted to appear minimally. What’s more, the stitch scars that are red right after the operation will fade after 1 year and will almost take the color of your skin and turn into thin, hard-to-see scars.

What should be considered after breast lift surgery?

Although breast lift surgery is a comfortable operation, patients should not lift heavy weights in the first week after the surgery and should avoid movements that will force their arms. It is normal to feel slight pain in the chest area during the week of surgery. These pains can be easily controlled with painkillers. 4-5 days after the operation, the person can easily return to his social life and business life, provided that he pays attention to the chest area and does not force his arms. Since self-dissolving sutures are used in breast lift surgery, there is no suture removal in the control examinations. In the first month of the operation, your breast tissue may seem too steep for you, but at the end of the first month, all swelling and edema will disappear, and your breast tissue will regain its new natural and upright appearance. In order to start sports and other activities, our patients must complete 1 month and protect their chest areas from possible traumas in this process.

Breast lift surgery with breast prosthesis

In breast lift surgeries, getting support from breast prostheses is one of the most frequently used applications. When the sagging breast tissue is retracted, if there is not enough breast tissue for a shaped and toned appearance, support is taken from breast prostheses or breast implants in order to create a new breast form at this point. In breast lift surgeries performed with breast prostheses, both the healing process and the preparation process are almost the same as other breast lift surgeries, but there is no significant difference in the process.

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