Depending on sea and pool water, misused hair care products, dryness, lifelessness, dietary habits and genetic factors, our hair may encounter many problems, especially shedding, by breaking off over time. It can take on a dull, lifeless appearance, and moreover, it can look unhealthy. With the hair strengthening treatments performed in today’s clinical environment, it is possible to achieve a more vibrant and healthy appearance in the hair.

What is hair strengthening treatment?

Hair strengthening is a set of treatments. With the treatment protocol chosen in line with the needs of the patients, vitamin and mineral supplements are made to the hair. By intervening on the scalp, the hair is provided to be more alive and healthy.

Which methods are used in hair strengthening treatment?

Although there are many treatment methods in hair strengthening treatment, the treatments where we get satisfactory results and see the effects in a short time are Hair Mesotherapy and Hair PRP treatments.

Hair PRP treatment involves reinjecting the blood taken from the patient through a special centrifugation process, enriching it in plasma, and reinjecting it into the patient. Since the person’s own blood is used in this treatment, there are no side effects. The procedure is done in the form of mini injections to the places where hair loss occurs locally. It is a safe and comfortable procedure.

When it comes to hair strengthening treatments, another treatment method is hair mesotherapy. Mesotherapy treatment; It involves the preparation of a kind of cocktail by combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids and various components. In the hair mesotherapy process, this prepared content is injected into the scalp. The procedure can be done with a thin special needle or with a special device called a mesogun. Since components with anesthetic effects are added to this special mixture, hair mesotherapy treatment is a comfortable treatment that we can say almost painless and acheless.

Is hair strengthening treatment a painful method?

Although both Hair PRP and Hair Mesotherapy are comfortable procedures, our patients may feel a slight discomfort during the treatment.


When does the hair strengthening treatment show its effect?

Although it starts to show its effects from the first moment it is applied, the final results of hair strengthening treatments begin to show themselves within 2 to 4 weeks. This is the period of self-renewal of skin cells after the intervention on the scalp.

Is hair strengthening treatment permanent?

The skin is a living tissue, so the treatment and supplements to be applied to the hair roots require renewal after some time. Annual renewal of hair strengthening procedures done in sessions will help your hair grow healthier and stronger.

Who is a suitable candidate for hair strengthening?

All men and women who have lifeless, dull, dull hair, who complain about hair loss and who want to have healthier hair, are suitable candidates for hair strengthening treatments.

How many sessions is hair strengthening treatment done?

Hair strengthening treatments are procedures performed in sessions. Although the number of sessions and the time between sessions vary according to the deformation the patient is exposed to, effective results can be obtained in hair strengthening procedures with treatment packages of 4 to 6 sessions.


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